Are you going through a “dry” season where blessing seems to escape you? I just passed through one myself and I speak from experience that God has more for His children. I will share how knowing the Feast of Tabernacles … Continue reading
God is all about Unity! Unity with Him and unity with each other. You may not know that God assigned one of the Holiest days of the year to picture unity among those that love and follow Him …that’s how … Continue reading
Some of God’s ordained Feasts are weird. The Feast of Shavuot is one of those! There are hidden mysteries in each of God’s Feasts and this one, otherwise known as Pentecost, is super exciting in it’s fulfillment. Moses was told … Continue reading
Do you or someone you know suffer from Depression? I share my own story of gaining victory over depression and how I was able to overcome the hold that it had over me. This was to date the hardest video … Continue reading
If you love Jesus, you celebrate Easter. But did you know that God had planned a point in time back in the day of Moses called the Feast of First Fruits …which would be the very day that God Raised … Continue reading
Do you need refreshment? If we understand the Jewish backdrop in John Chapter 7 we can understand our Messiah all the more. God knew we would need refreshment & therefore He prescribed Feasts throughout the year for His People to … Continue reading