Posted by Tamery

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Out of the Wilderness & into God’s Promise: Feast of Tabernacles

Posted in: bible, featured, teaching, vblogs | No Comments | Posted on by Tamery

Click here to watch: Out of the Wilderness & into God’s Promise: Feast of Tabernacles

Are you going through a “dry” season where blessing seems to escape you? I just passed through one myself and I speak from experience that God has more for His children. I will share how knowing the Feast of Tabernacles can give you hope and courage to take hold of blessing!

This year we celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles with a focus on having the courage to move out of the wilderness and into the Promised Land (God’s purpose & blessing). Joshua needed courage to face the hurdles of gaining possession of the Promise. As you will see, this Feast pictures for us how we too can live a heroic and blessed life if we trust God and lean into His Holy Spirit for the power to gain all our inheritance.

I refer to a lot of different areas of the Bible, so here are a few locations you can find these truths and inspiration in your own study:
Tabernacles: Leviticus 23:33-4
Story line elements:Numbers 13:30; Joshua 1:6,7,9,18 & Joshua 3:7+
Passover:Exodus 12
God’s Power in Spirit: John 1:50; Mark 16


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